• Course Fee $30/Class x 10
  • AppInventor
  • 60 min
  • Laptop required (Mac/PC)
  • Android Device preferred
  • 1:7 Teacher/Student Ratio guaranteed

Coding Juniors 101

This course aims to empower students through teaching them problem solving using technology. From introducing fundamental computer science concepts, applying Design Thinking process to utilizing AppInventor as a language, we guide students to apply problem solving skills to their daily lives. We cover user-centric design and mobile app development. Students receive personal guidance from our professional trained instructors in thinking through algorithms, decomposing problem and formulating multiple solutions.


  • 10 Classes per term
  • 1 class per week
  • 60 minutes per class
  • Class size ranges from 4 to 8 students
  • Midterm review with parents


Session 1-3 : Introduction to Computer Programming
60 Minutes Gearing up

Session 4-7 : Data Types, Manipulation & Database
60 Minutes Concepts

Session 5-8 : Design Thinking & Prototypes
60 Minutes Creative

Session 9-10: App Programming & Presentation
60 Minutes Challenger