About Start Coding

Norman, Founder & Managing Director

"Learning how to code opened up a whole new world to me. The possibilities are limitless. Learning how to code is not just a tool for making the next hot game on the AppStore, or creating self-driving cars of future, but learning to code helps the way you think; to overcome obstacles in a rational way. Start by understanding and analyzing the problem, structurally breaking it down and systematically building together a solution.

If someone asked the 10 year old me, if I would see myself being a programmer, I would have said no. But only because there was no oppurtunity to get exposure to it, to understand what it is. I wrote my first program in my freshman year of college. 'helloWorld.c' And it felt incredibly empowering. I fell in love with programming, and wish I had started sooner. With that, I have started Start Coding, with the mission of spreading coding to the younger generation to be more digitally literate, to be creative leaders of the future.

Start Coding's vision is to make each lesson fun, and engaging, challenging them to think. I hope that the skills, mentorships and frienships our students experience at Start Coding can jumpstart them to a lifelong journey of creative pursuits and endless career possibilities."

What we teach

Start Coding is on a mission to teach children across ages computer coding. Start Coding first started in Hong Kong, and has now been affiliated with School Boards in the Vancouver Lower Mainland.

Start Coding offers courses in an array of computer languages combined with different computer hardwares. The curriculums are carefully developed to not only teach students to code, but to also think computatively. Of course, we believe having fun is an important aspect of the classes, and we will keep it that way. Depending on the program enrolled, the students will be making their own games, mobile apps, or even robotics.

Here, we encourage students to makes mistakes and allow them to fully express their creativity. The ultimate goal is to instill confidence in students to overcome obstacles, coding related or not, and mold creative leaders of the future.

Games 93%
Mobile Apps 90%
Robotics 85%
Websites 84%
Fun Always